My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
James 1:2-4 NKJV
Now that’s probably one of the most difficult, if not insensitive instructions I ever read from God’s Word because when I am going through challenging times what I expect is for heaven to move on my behalf, for God to shake hell and cause Satan to flee and for all my negative circumstances to disappear or at least some understanding, some pity or empathy, some respect for what I’m going through, someone to cry with me and feel for me.
On the contrary God asks me to consider it a great joy. Why? Because it is a promotional exam. We’re viewing it from two different perspectives. I see trials, difficulties, challenges, and pains but God sees promotion. He sees an opportunity for His power, love, wisdom and grace to be manifested through His child.
It is a test of faith. It is a challenge on my faith life. Challenges prove our faith, strengthen our faith in God, draw us closer to God and never leave us on the same spot. They give us our own personal testimony and firsthand experience of God.
Most times we don’t know what we are capable of until we are faced with a challenge. Before Jesus launched His earthly ministry, He had to be tested to determine if He was ready and fit for the next stage of His assignment. So you see, challenges are doorways of promotion. A break to the new level.
As you rise in faith and prayers to seek the face of God and combat the challenges, the wisdom of God will come, the spirit of God will guide and strengthen you. Your faith will be enlarged, your understanding of God’s love will grow and you will come out with a testimony. It will leave you better, stronger and victorious.
Clean your eyes, dust yourself, stop whining and complaining, refuse to compromise, stand still in faith, don’t lower your expectations, don’t accept the devil’s alternative, hold on to your dream.
It is working for your good. It is your doorway to the next level. It is your opportunity to build faith, learn wisdom and increase your capacity for the next phase of life. It is preparing you for what God has prepared for you.
Recommended text for further reading:
Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20; Romans 5:3-5.