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Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

In this journey of life, we have a great example in the person of Jesus. How did Jesus, in spite of the contradictions and the vicissitudes of life, remain focused to accomplish God’s purpose for His life?

Controversy trailed Him everywhere He when. He healed a mad man, yet the city refused Him entrance into their community. He was called satan, His ministry was discredited, called unspiritual because He accepted all classes of men and refused to condemn a harlot, had abundance with 12 basket excess, but another time He had to send Peter to fish for a coin to pay their taxes. At one time they wanted to install Him as a king, at another time they were ready to throw Him off the cliff. Yet He continued to preach the kingdom, heal the sick, raise the dead, minister to the oppressed, and rebuke hypocritical priests. How did Jesus in spite of the vicissitudes of life remain focused and undistracted either by the praise or rejection of men, by lack or abundance?

The above scripture reveals the success secret of Jesus, “the Joy that was SET BEFORE HIM.” A pregnant woman’s pain, stress and discomfort is bearable because of the prospects of a child in view. The joy of becoming a mother, the excitement of birthing life energizes a woman and makes all the discomfort, change in mood, change in diet, change in fashion, etc. to thin into nothingness. Is what you’re aiming at inspiring enough for you to endure the pains of today and despise the ridicule of failure upon failure that comes with the pursuit of purpose? Are you looking at and listening to the naysayers or are you focused on your dreams? Who has your attention? Who has your focus? Are your dream, idea, vision and goals written and kept away inside a book or are they SET BEFORE YOU, daily looking at them, visualizing the joy of their fulfilment, daily praying over them, daily doing something about them. If you must stay focused and reach your goal, setting your goal/ dream/vision before you is something you have to do.

Jesus our role model, SET BEFORE HIM the joy of seeing the world saved, the prospect of man having authority over satan and being restored back to the place of lost glory, the delight of the Father God. It was therefore easy for Him to endure the cross and despise the shame. May your journey of life inspire the world in Jesus name.

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