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And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28 NKJV

God is able to carve out an amazingly unbelievable masterpiece out of the mess of your life. God told Abraham, “walk before me and be perfect, blameless,” not “be perfect or blameless then walk with me.” When you walk with me, I (God) will take your flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, failures and make them to work out for your good. Your messy life will look like a perfect picture. All your mistakes will appear like they are part of the original idea. I (God) know all about you but come and walk with me, pursue my plan and purpose for your life and all things will work together for your good.

Imagine what a great encouragement and inspiration Judas would have been, if he was humble enough to forgive himself and receive the mercy of God. I believe Paul’s story of conversion and dedication would have been child’s play in comparison, because he that is forgiven the most loves the most. Imagine what great impact he could have made. Don’t be too hard on yourself. God knows your limitations. He is aware of your flaws. He knows your struggles and He is not condemning you, rather He wants to make something beautiful out of your life. God is a specialist in turning the stone the builders reject to the chief corner stone.

As you go about your life, know all things work together for the good of those who love Him and walk in His purpose. Come join His gang, we’re cool like that.

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