And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 NKJV
It is interesting to know that there are no saints with perfect pasts, no heroes with flawless lives, no greatness without personal struggles and no success stories with seamless runs. I am reminded of Apostle Paul’s heartless past and subsequent struggles, Samson’s physical strength laced with emotional weakness. What do we say about the man after God’s own heart and yet with eyes after another man’s wife. The man that killed Goliath but couldn’t kill his inordinate affection and desires. What about the man of faith who was also a man of mental calculations and fleshly strategies. I cannot but talk about an ancestor of the Messiah who was once a professional call-girl.
Whether personal struggles, past failures, unusual mistakes, dysfunctional families etc. all these men had two things in common: they loved God and pursued God’s purpose for their lives. With all their human frailties and personal struggles, God took all of their mess and wove out a master piece of inspiring and life changing stories.
To be continued…