We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
2 Peter 1:19 KJV
Picking up from where we left off, when you perceive that God wants to do something in your life or when you desire for God to do something in your life or when you receive a Word from God concerning something He wants to do in your life; don’t only pray, also begin to study God’s word and listen to sound teachings in that regard. Do it until faith is born in your heart, until you get to a place of personal persuasion and deep conviction concerning that thing.
When a word comes to you prophetically in a meeting, either the man of God says it directly to you or the Holy Spirit quickens it in your heart, your faith level to experience that Word may be low; don’t just sit and wait for the manifestation. Shore up the Word with several other similar scriptures, boost your faith by meditating on it daily, pray it constantly, declare it ceaselessly, not because you’re trying to impress God to do His Word, but much more so it could develop deep conviction in your heart, until you get to a place where you know that you know that you have what the word says.
“If the clouds are full, they empty out rain upon the earth.” Fill your cloud and the rain will pour. Happy November.
Recommended text for further reading:
1 Timothy 1:18; 6:12.
This is for me
This is a powerful message.
Thank you Pastor