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When you cannot take it anymore Isaac said to him, you’ll live far from Earth’s bounty, remote from Heaven’s dew. You’ll live by your sword, hand-to-mouth, and you’ll serve your brother. But when you can’t take it any more you’ll break loose and run free.

Genesis 27:39-40 MSG

People have turned bad situations around in their lives and you can too. Stop whining, complain and murmuring. Stop worrying, stop focusing on the problem, stop seeking sympathy, rather learn how to turn the tide and do it. Stick to it until your situation is changed. Do it for you, your family, and generations to come.

Turning the tides of your life is not so much of what someone can do for you or what God can do for you but how much you can believe. What can you believe? How much can you believe?

So how have those who have surmounted challenges changed their situation?

They repented. To repent is to literally change your mind. To stop seeing things, your predicament, as something that’ll break you but rather to declare that “You meant it for evil, but God turned it for good.” To repent is to turn away from a method that is not working or yielding results to the way that God approves and staying with it until things begin to make sense. Jonah turned away from the path of disobedience and the prodigal son gave up the idea that he could survive without his father and he returned home.

But that’s not all they did. Join us tomorrow as we wrap up this series on turning the tides.

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