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My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Hosea 4:6 NKJV

My people perish or suffer for lack of knowledge; the knowledge of my love for them, who I am, what I have done for them, how things work, how to appropriate what I have given them, who they really are and who Satan really is – a defeated foe, a liar, a deceiver, the god of this world’s system, he is darkness. Jesus said concerning him, “I beheld Satan as a light falling, the god of this world is judge.” He is judged already. The verdict has already been passed, he is condemned already.

Amongst the knowledge that many believers lack are the following:

  1. Knowledge of how to attract the good to our life and repel the bad.
  2. The source of bad and the source of good. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, your adversary the devil is going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, he is the accuser of the brethren, he is the tempter, he is the source of evil.
  3. The knowledge of the difference between the truth and mere facts. The fact may be that you’re broke but the truth is you’re rich. The fact may be that you’re sick in your body, but the truth is Christ has taken your sickness and diseases upon Himself and by His stripes you’re healed.
  4. The knowledge of how to superimpose the power of the truth on the reality of facts. God calls things that be not (the truth) as though they were, things that are (truth) were not made of things that exist (facts). God saw darkness (visible fact) but called forth light (nonvisible truth). 

You overwrite the facts by speaking and calling forth the truth, not by fighting the fact, but by speaking the truth.

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