The thief comes not but to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10
Let’s take a little break from yoke breaking and talk a bit about the introducer of yokes – the devil. He is essentially a thief. His agenda is to rob the believer of the reality of all the finished works of Christ. He lies and convinces you of things contrary to the truth in order to steal your peace, your health, your good fortune, your joy, your relationships, your potentials and your future.
For the young adult his agenda may present as a theft of trust. He steals your trust by sending a liar into your life. You trust the lies, he/she breaks your heart and now you’re left distraught. You can’t trust anybody anymore. He has stolen from you the joy of honest relationships. You operate in suspicion for the rest of your life, limiting the fullness of what’s possible for you.
For the young child his agenda may present as a theft of sexual propriety. He steals the innocence of the child and makes them a sex predator or the victim of one. Through an experimenting uncle or a wayward guy/lady (the disciples of Lucifer himself), an innocent child’s sexuality is awakened early in life, when the corresponding self-discipline, power of choice making, self-awareness and self-esteem have not been built or developed yet, making such a child a victim of unchecked sexual desires and a strong sex drive.
The devil attempts daily to rob man in many ways and the above are just generic examples of how he operates. Be vigilant therefore that you may identify his machinations for what they are.
To be continued…