On that day, his burden will be removed from your shoulder, and his yoke will be destroyed from your neck.
Isaiah 10:27 NRSV
Continued from yesterday…
Welcome to today’s devotional. Yesterday we established that the business of breaking yokes is one that requires intentionality and responsibility on our part. Responsibility to be filled with all the fullness of God and with His Word. If studying God’s Word, researching God’s Word, praying hours and declaring God’s Word are burdensome to you then you’re not ready for the breaking of yokes. You’re not ready for a change in your life, you’re not ready to enter into the fullness of your redemption in Christ Jesus.
People who are restless and ready to change the narrative can’t afford the luxury of irresponsibility and resorting to playing the blame game. They’ve crossed the chasm of blaming their predicament on someone: their parent, their ex, their job, their neighborhood, their childhood, what someone said to them, what someone did to them or didn’t do for them, “my parents were not there for me,” “so and so forsook me,” “my country’s bad leadership” etc.
Those who will break yokes have crossed the threshold of self-imposed limitations like excuses and self-justification. “I have tried,” “it is because I’m from poor background.” They no longer offer excuses for being and experiencing less than what Christ has provided for you. They seize the truth in the Word and travail until they break forth. Will this be you or will you keep walking the lane of excuses? It’s up to you.