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And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Galatians 6:9 NKJV.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Everything in life has its due season. Every plant has its due season. No amount of manure or fertilizer or watering will make a cocoa tree to produce cocoa fruit outside of its season. For resident inside every plant is a DNA that observes, obeys and responds to its season and produces to its full capacity all conditions been met. All plants don’t have the same due season. In the same way every idea, business, project, calling, destiny and purpose has its unique due season.

That dream, that idea, that purpose has its due season. Keep working at it, keep ploughing, keep keeping the vigil, keep investing time, prayer, efforts, learning, unlearning and relearning, keep building capacity,  and don’t stop making the sacrifice, it may look like it’s not working, it may look like nothing is happening, but don’t quit. Don’t give up for in due season you will see result if you don’t quit.

Some dreams are like the Chinese bamboo tree, which when planted shows no sign of growth for 4 to 5 years, you water it and fertilize it year in year out but it shows no sign of growth and the on the 5th or 6th year suddenly it shoots up to 90 feet’s in six weeks and people begin to wonder where it has been all along. You were growing developing internal strength, forming structure and building resilience. You weren’t wasting time. If the farmer had quit, stopped watering, stopped fertilizing or even uprooted the plant and replaced it with maize, he would have missed out on an opportunity of a life time. God’s Word admonishes today that there is a due season for that dream, that success, that greatness, that prophecy. In the meantime, keep watering, keep fertilizing, keep doing the needful and don’t stop giving it your all, the world will soon celebrate with you.

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