But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
Matthew 16:23 NKJV
This scripture above is full of lots of insight. Firstly, Jesus recognized who was speaking through Peter, Satan. He discerned the source. This is where we often miss it and either yield to ungodly counsel based on the sentimental attachments we have with the speaker or go off on making enemies with people who were simply temporary channels through whom the devil manifested. Picking offense with them for trying to dissuade us from God’s purpose for our lives. The scriptures say, “we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, wicked spirit in heavenly places.” We have to learn to see beyond the human channels, we need to be more discerning. How many times have the people who are close to us and have our best interest at heart, talked us out of God’s plan for our lives, out of a deal, out of an idea God planted in our hearts, out of a pursuit designed to benefit us and change our lives? If we’re being honest, we know it’s many.
Secondly, He exposed his purpose “an offense, a stumbling block, an obstacle.” He understood his ultimate aim. Please understand that Satan’s ultimate goal is to cause your fall, nothing he offers has your interest at heart. Some counsel in the flesh may stem from the place of care and concern, but you need to understand it doesn’t help you to fulfil God’s purpose, honor God or live in sync with His divine mandate over your life. Satan’s intention is to trip you so you can fall. Whenever you receive an idea, an instruction contrary to God’s Word and purpose, understand it’s a plan of Satan to seduce you out of God’s purpose in order to trap you. Jesus said to Peter, “You’re a snare to me.” It doesn’t matter how many people are chanting the idea, remember he (Satan) is never anything but a trouble to you. Jesus identified who he is to Him, “You’re a stumbling block to ME. I’m not deceived by how others perceives you I Know you’re a stumbling block, a trap, an offense to me.” That’s who Satan is to you as a believer.
In John 10:10 Jesus exposed him as “the thief that has come to steal, kill and destroy.” Imagine Jesus yielding to the concerned and caring Peter, Satan would have successfully stolen God’s purpose by killing his commitment to honor God by death on the cross and this would have destroyed God’s redemptive plan for man. Man would have been lost forever. He would have stolen the place and authority of Jesus like he did Adam in the garden. Whatever comes from Satan, no matter the channel, fuels his one agenda to cause you to stumble. Therefore, be discerning.
To be continued…