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And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

Luke 12:15 NKJV

When Forbes ranks a man, they measure him by the amount of money he has amassed by virtue of deploying his business acumen. They measure only an aspect of a man: his money and asset. As important as that is, that is too narrow a yardstick to determine the worth of a man.

The life of a man does not consist of the things he possesses, but in who he is. Who really are you? Are you a man of honor, integrity and sound values?

Are you a happy man? What’s the quality of your thought pattern? What is the quality of your relationships? Can you be trusted? Are you reliable? What virtues do you exhibit? What Aura do you exude? What’s your work ethic? Do you have a relationship with God? Is your eternity secured? Man is measured by the totality of his being. Some of these values may not necessarily bring money into your bank account or increase your financial status, but they are like the condiments that add flavors to life, they are like salt that add taste to living and cause every other thing to make sense.

Therefore, as you pursue your dream, build your career, reach for your goals, seek to be ranked on Forbes’ list, and desire to be reckoned with in the society, ensure it is done with the total man in view.

Things don’t define us, they only help to accentuate who we really are. While Forbes focuses on the end product in the meantime, God looks at those qualities that helps to create the wealth, makes the wealth really meaningful and sustains the wealth for generations; the total man. Will you be ranked only on Forbes list or also in the book of life? 

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