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“‘These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you”

John 14:25-26

Relationships are designed to be beneficial, uplifting and rewarding in so many ways – spiritual, social, career, marital and even economically. No one is an island and we’re designed by God to live and operate in communities. We’re created in the image and the likeness of God, and God operates in a team: “Come let US create man in OUR own image and after OUR own likeness and let THEM have dominion…” We can’t function alone, no one can fulfill his/her dreams alone. We are not designed to. Hence, we live in communities and function in relationships.

But there’s not a good thing God has designed for the benefit of mankind that Satan has not perverted. Hence, the overabundance of ungodly relationships, wrong associations, bad companies, unhealthy communities, destructive environments and dysfunctional families. It has therefore become very pertinent that one chooses one’s association and source of influence very carefully.

Of all the healthy, rewarding relationships one may have, a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the most profitable and most rewarding relationship of all.

The nature of the Holy Spirit, the Power of the Holy Spirit, the access of the Holy Spirit, His scope of influence, His depth of knowledge, the purpose of His coming etc. are all the things that make a relationship with Him the most rewarding one anyone could ever imagine.

Like most relationships, the closer you get the more you get to know the person and the better you are able to maximize the potential of the relationship. The more you understand the person, the less conflicts you experience and the more respect you accord yourselves, culminating in enjoying the best of the relationships. In the same vein, our understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit, our knowledge of Him and His ways, and the more frequent we relate with Him, all go to deepen and sharpen our relationship with Him and ultimately determine how much of Him we enjoy.

If there’s a relationship we must cultivate, nourish and develop, it is our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

PRAYER: Father, help me to cultivate the most profitable relationship with your Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.

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