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“Do you think that I like to see wicked people die?” says the Sovereign LORD. “Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live.”

Ezekiel 18:23 NLV

During this dispensation of grace, God is not judging anyone for his/her sins. Jesus has already paid the penalty for the sin of the world and God does not want the death of a sinner but that the sinner comes to repentance. The death of a sinner does not delight the Father, it is a loss. It means the sacrifice of Christ for that particular individual is wasted. God is not looking to punish anyone for sin, but rather people will be doomed for rejecting the Son of God, the free offer of salvation, the free gift of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

What people suffer here on earth is not the judgement of God, rather consequences from the natural order of things. God has designed the earth to function by laws and principles – the universal laws which have causes and effects. These laws are iron cast, they govern this earth. Therefore, if you understand these laws and apply them accordingly, the earth will work for you.

Most of the things people suffer are not judgement from God but simply consequences of our actions. There are four dimensions of consequences:

  1. Consequences of your own personal action: Literally reaping what you sow according to the law of nature. Consequences of your laziness, indolence, negligence, stupidity, carelessness, wickedness, etc. It is not God judging you, but nature functioning on cause and effect.
  2. Consequences of other people’s actions or inactions: These are things we suffer for in life as a result of other people’s fallen human nature. A robber robs and kills his victim, a savage rapes another person, under development in Africa as a result of embezzlement, a drunk driver hits and kills innocent passengers of another vehicle, a fake or incompetent doctor kills a patient, an unscrupulous and fraudulent business man/woman goes about cheating people and defrauding them of their money etc. None of these is God’s punishment, rather the consequences of the fallen nature of man as expressed or exhibited by others. That’s why we pray to God to deliver us from unreasonable and wicked men. That’s why we pray Psalms 91 over our lives. If any perpetrator of the above is caught and sentenced to jail, then it takes us back to the first consequence – the consequences of your own personal actions.

To be continued…

PRAYER: Father, grant me the discernment to see the consequences of my actions for what they are in Jesus’ name.

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