For all things are possible to those who believe. This is the Faith which gives you a burst of energy…
The Spoken Word
For all things are possible to those who believe. This is the Faith which gives you a burst of energy…
"Faithful is He who has promised, Who also will do it" - this is the manifesto of God concerning His…
You are the captain of the ship of your own life; the governor of your own state of mind. Hello…
As you pursue your goals, do it with the total man in view. Material things don't define you, they are…
Our God is a connoisseur in the business of using the lowliest of things to build the most colossal edifices.
Nothing outside of you defines you. Learn your true identity in God's Word and operate in your true capacity.
If we only knew Jesus as the good shepherd, we'd live in the entirety of His resurrected life with all…
Search the scripture. It is time to explore our Treasure Island.
The Holy Ghost is not just a make-feel-good idea, He is a Person and our ever ready ADVANTAGE. Open your…
The Holy Spirit is the greatest advantage we will ever have because He represents the Father.