As you go about your everyday life, fail not to remember that you are intended as God's instrument of reconciliation.…
The Spoken Word
As you go about your everyday life, fail not to remember that you are intended as God's instrument of reconciliation.…
Strategic planning in line with the Word received assists the vehicle of faith and doesn't impede it. Begin to plan…
One sure way to beat despair is to keep moving. It isn't over until it is over and it isn't…
The word of God is that one thing we can rely on, we can be sure of and we can…
Which would you rather live by; God's plan and path for your life or your own plans and machinations? Digital…
The attitude of gratitude propels you to the greatest altitude. Make Thanks Living your lifestyle today and everyday.
Man has authority here on earth to name as he wills. Exercise your authority in this new month and through…
Through God's Word, we know what God has done or intends to do and that sets our expectations. Let the…
Life is what you make it and your months are what you make them. Welcome to September. Make it good.