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I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you…

Luke 15:18 NKJV

Where do you stand in your walk with God, are you experiencing less of what you know, what you have heard and what you have read to be your entitlement. Or are you experiencing all that God has for you in Christ. Taking an inventory of our spiritual experience is one sure way for one to experience change and growth. 

A lot of us just keep going on in the same direction, keep doing the same thing, the same way and keep getting less of what we expect and less of what is promised, without taking a pause to evaluate things. We don’t pause to check our spiritual progress.

The reason why people don’t take inventory of their spiritual experience is fear of what they may find out, and the seemingly daunting courage required to change if they find out they have believed wrongly. While some believe spiritual things depend only on God’s sovereignty therefore ‘why bother to take inventory of my spiritual experience and walk.’

But if tangible progress must be made, if we must truly experience all that God has provided for us through His Son Jesus Christ, if all the promises of God must become experiential in our lives, we must learn to evaluate our lives in the light of scriptures. We might be holding on to a wrong belief system. To do that, the best place to go is to the Father. He will correct us without condemning us. He will make us without humiliating us. He will restore our years of waste and turn our past to history.

Learn a lesson today from the prodigal son. He examined his experience vis-à-viz his Father’s love and provision and he made a decision that changed his experience. Don’t just religiously and dogmatically continue in the wrong direction: “this is the way I have always done it,” “it worked when I just gave my life to Christ,” “my father in the Lord taught me,” “this is what my church believes,” etc.

If we learn to examine our spiritual walk in the light of God’s Word, what it says and not what we think it says or our pastor or denomination says, then we will be open to God’s love more than we can imagine and we will be in a position to better receive all of God for our lives. 

Recommended text for further reading:

Luke 15: 17-25.

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