The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 NKJV
Everything God does is good, in the story of creation He created the stars, the moon, day and night, seasons, months and years and He saw everything was good. Nothing bad at all. He did not create some months good and some bad, rather our text says better is the end of a thing that the beginning. In other words, God intends the end of each year to be better that its beginning. Therefore, ‘ember months’ mean better months are here. Months of harvest of all your labor from January, when all your prayers, planning, strategies and efforts will take shape and yield results.
There are more marriages conducted during these ‘ember months’ than in the previous months. There are more businesses, companies, organization opening than at other times. More people are buying cars, completing their houses or moving to new and better ones, closing deals, expanding their businesses, etc.
But the devil has sought to cheat us out of the blessings and benefits of the better months through a demonically coined expression ‘ember months’ to suggest that these months are bad, dangerous and evil months, full of negativity. Months to survive and not to thrive. The devil uses this expression to create a wrong and negative mindset in us, to fill our hearts with fear and wrong expectations. Fear opens the door for the devil to operate, and usually our expectations have a way of dictating our actions and determining our experience. It is just a ploy of the devil to set our expectations on a negative course.
These months are going to be your best months this year, all your prayers from January till now will see manifestation, all you have lost will be restored to you, the boldness, courage and resources you need to step up and start that business, ministry, family, make that trip, you will receive in Jesus name. Opportunities that have eluded you will come knocking on your door in Jesus name.
Welcome to the best months of this year. Better is the end of this year than its beginning in Jesus name.
Happy New Month.
Hallelujah! Thank you sir.