“But EVERYONE who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”
Matthew 7:26-27
We have been learning the importance of laying a good foundation. Yesterday, we learnt that the surest way to lay a solid foundation for life and godliness is to make the Word of God the basis of all we do. That whatever you are building – a career, family, business, dream, etc. – we should make the Word of God the guiding principle we operate by.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus told us exactly how to do that. It is obviously more than going to church, serving in a unit, shouting ‘Preach Pastor!!!’ (While all of that is good and scriptural). He simply said building your life on the solid rock is HEARING THESE SAYINGS OF MINE AND DOING THEM. It’s a simple circle – “Hear and Do”. And Jesus Himself, not Apostles Peter, Paul or John or your Pastor, but our savior Himself likened such a person to A WISE MAN. In other words, “it is wisdom to do the Word”.
He did not also leave us in doubt of the implications of hearing and NOT doing. He calls that foolishness. Many of us will not break or disobey the instructions of our doctor, our mechanic, lawyers, business/financial consultants, entrepreneur gurus, etc. because we consider them as authorities in their field who have our best interests at heart. But we trivialize the Word of Him who put everything together long before our experts came; who loves us enough to die for us. My friends, this is not wise.
Our Father God loves us. All His instructions are for our good and in our best interest. They are easy to follow once you know it’s in your best interest. Once you become conscious of your union with Him, doing His Word becomes second nature to you. It is Satan that suggests otherwise, knowing the potential and the end result of following God’s Word. It is time we act in consistency with our new birth nature as wise people, doing the Word of God. Let us abandon lifeless religion, powerless churchianity, empty jamboree and return to the simplicity of the gospel, which is ‘hearing and doing the Word’ then our lives will shine forth the Love, power and the glory of God and the world will come to our rising.
This is the time to make the shift. This is the time to lay the foundation for success, excellence and greatness by following the simple circle of hearing and doing.
DECLARE Psalms 40: 8; 119: 97-104; Jer. 15: 16.
This is your testimony in Jesus name.
Thank you, sir. I will hear and do the word.