And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are— northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.
Genesis 13:14-15 NKJV
Yesterday we learnt the importance of having a dream. A dream for August and beyond. Something concrete and definite. A clear picture that God can breathe life into and become a reality.
God doesn’t just want us to have a dream, He wants us to have BIG dreams. Dreams that go beyond ourselves to generations after us. A dream so BIG with global spread, impact and relevance. When God looks at an individual He sees generations. When He does anything through anyone, He does it with nations in mind. The Wright Brothers’ invention of the airplane serves not only a country but the world. Henry Heinz’s tomato puree, ketchup, baked beans and other Heinz food products have lasted several generations, from a small backyard garden.
How BIG is your dream? Big dreams catch God’s attention, draw supernatural supply, and release uncommon power and favor towards you.
God told Abraham. “Lift your eyes NOW and look FROM THE PLACE WHERE YOU ARE— from the position you are at in life, from the condition you are in in life, from the status and circumstances you are in right now. Some people are waiting for their conditions to change before they begin to dream; “if I can only get married then I will dream about my family,” “when I graduate I will dream about my future,” “when I get some money to start my business, then I will dream big,” ” if I can just relocate out of the country then I will dream big.” Dreaming big begins from where you are, not where you hope to be. You see, it is your dream that will change your status, transform your condition and reposition you in life.
Are you a squatter? Dream of owning an estate. Are you an employee? Dream of owning your company or even buying up your present company or becoming a major shareholder. Are you selling your wares from a kiosk or out of the trunk of your car? Dream of becoming a conglomerate. Is your product serving only a small community? Dream of becoming a global brand.
Begin to dream big now, from where you are. Today. Not tomorrow, not after the pandemic, not when there’s a vaccine for COVID-19, not after graduation, not after marriage. From where you are, in spite of your present situation and circumstances.
If you dare to dream big, God is willing to make it real.
Recommended text for further reading:
Isaiah 54: 2-3; 2 Kings 13: 16- 19; Ephesians 3:20.
Thank you sir.
Thank you sir
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